=== WP SMS === Contributors: mostafa.s1990, kashani, veronalabs, alifallahrn Donate link: https://wp-sms-pro.com/donate Tags: sms, wordpress, send, subscribe, message, register, notification, webservice, sms panel, woocommerce, subscribes-sms, EDD, twilio, bulksms, clockworksms, nexmo Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 5.6 Requires PHP: 5.6 Stable tag: 5.4.2 License: GPLv3 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html A powerful SMS Messaging/Texting plugin for WordPress == Description == By WP SMS you can add the ability of SMS sending to your WordPress product. So you can send SMS to your newsletter subscribers or your users and get their attentions to your site and products. Using WP SMS you can enjoy many features, You can * Send SMS to either your users’ numbers or specific numbers * Get your users’ mobile numbers when they subscribe to your newsletters * Send SMS automatically to users and admins in different situations * Increase the security by two step verification * Login with your mobile number in case that you forget your password * And many more! This plugin is completely free. You just need to have an account from one of the services in the list of gateways we support. Don’t worry, we have tried to cover the best and the most well-known gateways for the plugin. Also, the Pro version is available too. Watch How You Can Send SMS With WordPress! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1QdWL9eDmo = Features = * Supporting more than 200 SMS gateways - [See All SMS Gateways](https://wp-sms-pro.com/gateways/) * Sending SMS to the mobile number(s), your subscribers and WordPress users * Subscribing for newsletters by SMS * Sending Activation Codes to subscribers when a new post is published and also when subscribers are completing their subscription process * Sending Notification SMS to admins * To inform new releases of WordPress * When a new user is registered * When new comments are posted * When users are logged into the WordPress * When users are registered to subscribe in forms * Integration with Contact Form 7, WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads. Integration with other plugins is also possible in WP SMS Pro version. * Supporting Widget for showing SMS newsletters to subscribers * Supporting WordPress Hooks * Supporting WP REST API * Importing/Exporting Subscribers. = PRO PACKAGE = In the Pro version, more features are added and most of popular gateways are supported. The pro version can also be integrated with many other plugins. User registration verification is possible through sending verification codes to subscribers, too. The list of supported gateways and integrated plugins are available in FAQ. [Buy Pro Package](http://wp-sms-pro.com/purchase/) = Translations = WP SMS has been translated in to many languages, for the current list and contributors, please visit the [translate page](https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/wp-sms). Translations are done by people just like you, help make WP SMS available to more people around the world and [do a translation](http://wp-sms-pro.com/localization/) today! = Contributing and Reporting Bugs = WP SMS is being developed on GitHub. If you’re interested in contributing to the plugin, please look at [Github page](https://github.com/veronalabs/wp-sms). [Donate to this plugin](http://wp-sms-pro.com/donate) == Installation == 1. Upload `wp-sms` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. To display the SMS newsletter form, go to Themes > Widgets, and add a Subscribe form. 4. If you're using the wp-sms-pro as well, don't forget to enter your license code on Pro Pack > General == Frequently Asked Questions == = What gateways are supported in the plugin? = You can see the list of all supported gateways [through this link](https://wp-sms-pro.com/gateways). More gateways are supported in the Pro. The followings are some of popular gateways: * Twilio.com * Plivo.com * Clickatell.com * Bulksms.com * Infobip.com * Nexmo.com * Clockworksms.com * Messagebird.com * Clicksend.com * Smsapi.com * Dsms.in * Esms.vn * Isms.com.my * Sms4marketing.it * Magicdeal4u.com * Alfa-cell.com * Moceansms.com * Msg91.com * Msg360.in * Livesms.eu * Ozioma.net * Pswin.com * Ra.sa * Smsfactor.com * Textmarketer.co.uk * Smslive247.com * Sendsms247.com * Ssdindia.com * Viensms.com * Vsms.club * Websms.at * Smstrade.de * Bulksmshyderabad.co.in * Yamamah.com * Cellsynt.net * Cmtelecom.com * Zain.im = What are the differences between Free and Pro Pack versions? = * User Verification Registration through SMS * Scheduled SMS feature (To schedule SMS sending). * Professional support & ticketing * More supported gateways (listed above) * Integrations with more plugins as listed below: * Integration with BuddyPress: You can add mobile number fields to the profile page, send SMS to users when they’re mentioned in a post, and send SMS to users when they comment on a post. * Integration with WooCommerce: You can add mobile number fields to the checkout page, send sms to users or subscribers when a new product is added to WooCommerce, send SMS to Admin when a new order is submitted in WooCommerce. When the stock is low, the plugin can send SMS to notify Admin. Also, you can send SMS to customers when the orders are changed. * Integration with Gravity forms: The plugin can send SMS to users and Admin after the form is submitted. * Integration with Quform: The plugin can send SMS to users or Admin after the form is submitted. * Integration with Easy Digital Downloads: You can add mobile number fields to the profile page, and send SMS to users or Admin when an order is submitted with EDD. * Integration with WP Job Manager: You can add mobile number fields to Job forms and send SMS to employers or Admin when a job is requested with WP Job Manager. * Integration with Ultimate Members plugin. = How to buy? = You can buy the Pro pack version [through this link](http://wp-sms-pro.com/purchase/) = PHP 7 Support? = Yes! WP SMS is compatible with PHP version +7.3 = How to send SMS with PHP codes? = $to = array('Mobile Number'); $msg = "Your Message"; $is_flash = true; // Only if wants to send flash SMS, else you can remove this parameter from function. wp_sms_send( $to, $msg, $is_flash ); = How using Actions? = Run the following action when sending SMS with this plugin: `wp_sms_send` Example: Send emails after sending SMS function send_mail_after_sending_sms($message_info) { wp_mail('you@mail.com', 'Send SMS', $message_info); } add_action('wp_sms_send', 'send_mail_after_sending_sms'); Run the following action when subscribing a new user. `wp_sms_add_subscriber` Example: Send Welcome SMS to users when they are registered. function send_sms_when_subscribe_new_user($name, $mobile) { $to = array($mobile); $msg = "Hi {$name}, Thanks for subscribe."; wp_sms_send( $to, $msg ) } add_action('wp_sms_add_subscriber', 'send_sms_when_subscribe_new_user', 10, 2); = How using Hooks? = You can use the following filter to modify numbers. `wp_sms_from` Example: Add 0 to the end of the sender number function wp_sms_modify_from($from) { $from = $from . ' 0'; return $val; } add_filter('wp_sms_from', 'wp_sms_modify_from'); You can use the following filter to modify the receivers’ numbers. `wp_sms_to` Example: Add new numbers to your numbers function wp_sms_modify_receiver($numbers) { $numbers[] = '09xxxxxxxx'; return $numbers; } add_filter('wp_sms_to', 'wp_sms_modify_receiver'); You can use the following filter to modify text messages `wp_sms_msg` Example: Add signatures to messages that are sent function wp_sms_modify_message($message) { $message = $message . ' /n Powerby: WP-SMS'; return $message; } add_filter('wp_sms_msg', 'wp_sms_modify_message'); = Is REST API supported? = Yes. Up to now, we’ve just registered one endpoint in the plugin. Add new subscribes to SMS newsletters. POST /wpsms/v1/subscriber/add = How to get the Pro Pack updates? = If you've already the pro pack version, you have to enter your license key in the setting page to get the updates. Anyway the plugin supports registering the license key through `wp-config.php` define('WP_SMS_LICENSE', 'your-license-key'); = How to customize WP-SMS? = We can customize the plugin based on your need. Just visit our [Plugin Development Services](https://veronalabs.com/plugin-development). == Screenshots == 1. Gateway configuration. 2. Features page. 3. Notifications page. 4. Integrations page. 5. Send SMS Page. 6. Outbox SMS Page. 7. Subscribers Page. 8. At a Glance. 9. SMS Newsletter widget. 10. Send post to subscribers. 11. Contact Form 7 notifications. 12. SMS Newsletter Page. 13. Privacy Page. == Upgrade Notice == = 5.4 = * Please disable the wp-sms-pro before the update just for avoiding unsuspected issues. = 4.0 = * IMPORTANT! Please keep your gateway information before updating/installing (username, password or anything). Because in this version used a new setting page. = 3.0 = * CHANGED In this version of the plugin has changed the structure and optimized codes. In this version, we have made a lot of changes. We tried using the free version as a core and base. The professional version of plugin is made to a professional parcel that through the free plugin is activated. = 2.4 = * CHANGED `$obj` variable TO `$sms` IN YOUR SOURCE CODE. = 2.0 = * BACKUP YOUR DATABASE BEFORE INSTALLING! == Changelog == = 5.4.2 = * Added onewaysms.com.my gateway * Update kavenega gateway * Compatibility with WordPress v5.6 = 5.4.1 = * Added Reach-Interactive gateway * Added Msegat gateway * Fixed encoding issue in Altiria gateway * Removed The welcome page * Improvement gateways' countries list. * Improvement Minor = 5.4 = * Added New SMS gateways in the plugin (unifonic.com, comilio.it, malath.net.sa, altiria.net, and oxemis.com) * Added A new option in the setting page for cleaning the numbers. * Added Newline support for numbers in sending SMS page. * Added Auto-submit the gateway while changing the gateway dropdown. * Improvement Appending country code to numbers. * Improvement Gateways and setting pages. * Improvement CSS and admin notice with the new version of WordPress. = 5.3.1 = * Added: malath.net.sa gateway. * Added: safa-sms.com gateway. * َUpdated: some old gateways. = 5.3 = * Added: eazismspro.com gateway. * Added: sms.net.gr gateway. * Added: New option for cropping message in SMS post notification. * Added: SMS meta box in custom post types. * Updated: Mobile field in the registration form. It has required. = 5.2.2 = * Added: Eazismspro.com gateway * Improvement: Mobile field number is required in the registration form * Updated: Dynamic the number of the word for cropping in send post notification * Updated: Display gravity form fields tags in settings = 5.2.1 = * Improvement: CF7 integration, now the dropdown field is supported. * Updated: ms77.de gateway. = 5.2 = * Added: The from parameter in `wp_sms_send()`. * Added: Sunwaysms.com gateway. * Updated: New API for Sms Gateway Center. * Updated: MTarget's gateway. * Updated Sunwaysms.com gateway. * Disabled: The check credit in send sms page. = 5.1.9 = * Fixed: gateways list. * Fixed: scheduled feature class loading. * Updated: Mobtexting gateway. * Minor improvements. = 5.1.8 = * Added: cheapglobalsms.com gateway. * Minor improvements. = 5.1.7 = * Added: easysendsms.com gateway. * Added: 1s2u.com gateway. * Minor improvements. = 5.1.6 = * Fixed: WordPress core update notification notice. * Fixed: Screen options columns for only Privacy Page. * Fixed: Outbox orderby showing records. * Added: Oursms.net Gateway. * Added: Eurosms.com gateway. * Improved: Newsletter Widget/Shortcode. * Minor improvements. = 5.1.5 = * Fixed: Enqueue styles prefix and suffix. * Improved: Fix the edit group problem with space in group name. * Updated: Database tables field. * Updated: Experttexting gateway. * Minor improvements. = 5.1.4 = * Added: System info page to get more information for debugging. * Improved: Check credits. = 5.1.3 = * Minor improvements. = 5.1.2 = * Add: Alchemymarketinggm.com - Africa gateway. * Update: dot4all.it gateway now available on free version. * Update: gatewayapi.com to support Unicode. * Improved: Response status and Credits to do not save result if is object. * Fixed & Improvement: Gateways: 18sms, abrestan ,adspanel, asr3sms, avalpayam, bandarsms, candoosms, iransmspanel, joghataysms, mdpanel, mydnspanel, nasrpayam, payamakalmas, ponishasms, sadat24, smsde, smshooshmand, smsmaster, smsmelli, smsservice, suresms, torpedos, yashilsms, smsglobal = 5.1.1 = * Optimized: The main structure of the plugin and split process to increase performance and load. * Updated: primotexto.com to allow multiple number sending. * Fixed: loading menu pages content on different languages. * Fixed: send SMS form style with some other plugins. * Fixed: websms.com.cy, textplode.com, 0098sms.com, 18sms.ir, 500sms.ir, ebulksms.com gateways. = 5.1 = * Added: Collapse for toggle the visibility of response column on Outbox table. * Added: A new template function for sending SMS `wp_sms_send( $to, $msg, $is_flash = false )`. * Improved: Primotexto.com gateway. * Fixed: Issue in Textplode.com gateway. * Fixed: Issue in WooCommerce class for sending SMS. = 5.0 = * Added: The new option for disabling CSS loading the theme. * Added: A new tab in Settings that for manage SMS Newsletter, the options removed from SMS newsletter widget. * Added: A new shortcode for show SMS newsletter form. enjoy with this shortcode `[wp-sms-subscriber-form]`. * Added: A new option for sending an SMS to the Author of the post when that post publish and the author have not the publish capability. * Added: Status and Response columns in outbox page and get the full log on sending SMS actions. * Added: Support mobile fields with International Telephone Input optional. * Added: Zain.im Gateway. * Added: Textmagic.com Gateway. * Optimized: The main structure of the plugin and split process to increase performance and load. * Improved: The SMS newsletter requests. We've used the WP REST API instead Admin Ajax. * Improved: Now you can allow to importing the same number into two different groups. * Improved: The styles of admin forms, We've used the ThickBox for managing forms and metabox style for send SMS form. * Improved: Some queries to get data. * Improved: The export subscriber issue. * Updated: The SMS Global gateway to the latest version of API. * Updated: Primotexto gateway. * Updated: Message type for gateway Comilio.it. = 4.1.2 = * Compatible with v5.0 = 4.1.1 = * Fixed: Issue to saving options. * Added: Ignore duplicate subscribers if that exist to another group in the import page. * Added: Aradpayamak.net gateway. * Updated: The styles of admin forms. = 4.1 = * Added: a new checkbox in the SMS subscription form for GDPR compliance. * Added: Privacy menu in the plugin for Import & Export the user data for GDPR compliance. read [the blog post](https://wp-sms-pro.com/gdpr-compliant-in-wp-sms/) to get more information. * Added: SMS Sending feature to different roles in Send SMS Page. * Added: mobiledot.net.sa and smsnation.co.rw gateways. * Added: multi-site support in WordPress Network. * Updated: fortytwo.com, idehpayam.com, onlinepanel.ir and mobile.net.sa gateways * Updated: the setting page. * Disabled `applyUnicode` hood by default * Fixed: the issue of receiving fields from Gravityforms. = 4.0.21 = * Added: engy.solutions and aruba.it and hiro-sms.com gateways. * Added: new option for sending Unicode for non-English characters (such as Persian, Arabic, Chinese or Cyrillic characters). * Added: sender ID field. Allow typing of sender ID in Admin Send SMS page. * Fixed: issue to send SMS through CF7 in PHP v7.0 and v7.1 = 4.0.20 = * Added: country code to prefix numbers if this option has value on the setting page. * Updated: setting page. Added options for [Awesome Support plugin](https://wordpress.org/plugins/awesome-support/). = 4.0.19 = * Added: tripadasmsbox.com, suresms.com, verimor.com.tr gateway. = 4.0.18 = * Added: Uwaziimobile.com and cpsms.dk Gateway. * Updated: settings page fields. = 4.0.17 = * IMPORTANT: Updated the domain name of the Plugin website to wp-sms-pro.com = 4.0.16 = * Added: Send SMS to multi numbers in the Contact Form 7. * Added: Several gateways. (Comilio.it, Mensatek.com, Infodomain.asia, Smsc.ua and Mobtexting.com) * Fixed: Show time items in the outbox SMS. = 4.0.15 = * Updated: option fields. * Added: sabanovin.com gateway. = 4.0.14 = * Updated: setting page styles. * Disabled gateway key field if not available in the current gateway. * Fixed: issue in `text_callback` method on the options library. Used `isset` to skip undefined error. = 4.0.13 = * Added: default variable for `sender_id` in the Gateway class. * Added: textanywhere.net, abrestan.com and eshare.com Gateway. * Updated: Pro Package options. (Added WP-Job-Manager fields). = 4.0.12 = * Added: Experttexting.com Gateway. * Added: Spirius.com Gateway. * Added: Msgwow.com Gateway. * Updated: NuSoap library. Compatible with PHP 5.4 - 7.1 * Removed: local translations and moved to [translate.wordpress.org](https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/wp-sms). * Fixed: issue in cf7 form when the fields has array data. = 4.0.11 = * Added: EbulkSMS Africa Gateway. * Add option for hide account balance in send SMS page. * Updated: UI for send SMS page. * Updated: afilnet.com gateway * Updated: smsgatewayhub.com gateway * Updated: Asanak gateway * Fixed: issue in importer library. The split() deprecated and used preg_split(). = 4.0.10 = * WordPress 4.8 compatibility * Updated: unisender gateway * Added: smsozone.com gateway * Added: Character Count in the send sms page = 4.0.9 = * Fixes issues in some gateways * Supported gatewayapi.com, primotexto.com, 18sms.ir in the gateways list * Removed: auto text direction script admin send message = 4.0.8 = * Fixes undefined error in pro package setting page * Fixes and improvements newsletter widget * Added: new feature in sms newsletter. the subscribers can submit their mobile in multi groups * Added: several gateways (kavenegar.com, itfisms.com, pridesms.in, torpedos.top, resalaty.com) = 4.0.7 = * Added: websms.com.cy gateway * Added: smsgatewayhub.com gateway * Added: africastalking.com gateway * Added: variable data to EDD message option * Fixed: unisender gateway issue * Fixed: duplicate send sms in the notification post = 4.0.6 = * Improvement: plugin to initial the gateways * Updated: German translations. [Thanks Robert Skiba](skibamedia.de) * Added: asr3sms.com gateway = 4.0.5 = * Fixed: path to the nusoap class on some gateways [Thanks nekofar](https://github.com/nekofar) * Fixed: send sms time in database * Fixes including gateways class error when the class was not in the plugin = 4.0.4 = * Fixes dissabled options. = 4.0.3 = * Supported WP REST API * Improvements settings page and used main plugin for settings handler * Updated: arabic translations. (Thanks Hammad) = 4.0.2 = * PHP 7.1 compatibility * Added: mobile number checker in register and update profile page for avoid to duplicate mobile numbers * Added: `post_content` to the post notification input data. (Supported until 10 words due for restrictions in some gateways) * Changed `title_post`, `url_post`, `date_post` to `post_title`, `post_url`, `post_date` on post notification input data. * Fixed: Spelling mistakes in language file. = 4.0.1 = * Fixed: default gateway issue. * Fixed: Illegal error in cf7 sms meta box. = 4.0 = * Important! Please keep your gateway information before updating/installing (username, password or anything). Because in this version used a new setting page. * Added: setting class for all options in the plugin for better settings performance. * Added: new classes for doing any proccess. * Added: `resalaty.com` gateway. * Added: return request in the gateway tab on the option page for get any message of the request. * Added: `WP_Error` in the all gateway classes. * Added: ‌Bulk send status in the gateway tabs on the setting page. * Added: response gateway message after sending sms on the sending page. * Removed: newsletter tabs from option page and moved all option on the newsletter widget. * Improvement: options page and removed all notice errors in setting page. * Improvement: all syntax for notice errors. * Improvement: main class. * Fixed: load template widget in admin. * Fixed: widget plugin name (Important! after update, re-add `SMS newsletter form` widget in your theme) * Fixed: notice error in `cf7` editor panel, used `id()` method instead. * Removed: function: `wp_subscribes`. = 3.2.4 = * Compatible with WP 4.7 * Fixes issue when enable plugin to add new cap. * Fixes issue (Missing `$this->validateNumber` on the default gateway class) * Fixes issue (Missing `$user->ID` in mobile field when create new user) * Improvement: structure files, folders and cleaning codes. = 3.2.3 = * Language french added. thanks `yves.le.bouffant@libertysurf.fr` = 3.2.3 = * Added: fortytwo.com gateway. * Added: parsgreen (api.ir) gateway. * Compatible up to wordpress 4.6 * Fixes Undefined index error in plugin pages * Updated: textplode gateway. = 3.2.2 = * Added: new gateway (springedge.com) * Added: new gateway (textplode.com) * Added: new gateway (textplode.com) * Language (Brazil) updated. = 3.2.1 = * Added: New gateway (sonoratecnologia.com.br). * Removed: dashicons from `WP_List_Table`. = 3.2 = * Added: New capabilities: `wpsms_sendsms`, `wpsms_outbox`, `wpsms_subscribers`, `wpsms_subscribe_groups` and `wpsms_setting` to user roles for manage page access. * Added: New filters `wp_sms_from`, `wp_sms_to`, `wp_sms_msg` in the plugin. * Added: New gateway (bulutfon.com). * Added: New gateway (iransms.co). * Added: New gateway (arkapayamak.ir). * Added: New gateway (chaparpanel.ir). * Fixed: issue when you rename `wp-content` folder. now plugin it's work if the folder name does not `wp-content`. * Fixed: `Undefined index` errors in ths plugin when wordpress debug is enable. * Fixed: Issue in outbox, subscribe and group page after bulk edit. * Updated: `http` to `https` link in gateway.sa gateway. * Updated: Language file and any string in the plugin. * Renamed `wp_after_sms_gateway` action to `wp_sms_after_gateway`. * Renamed `wps_add_subscriber` action to `wp_sms_add_subscriber`. * Renamed `wps_delete_subscriber` action to `wp_sms_delete_subscriber`. * Renamed `wps_update_subscriber` action to `wp_sms_update_subscriber`. * Renamed `wps_add_group` action to `wp_sms_add_group`. * Renamed `wps_delete_group` action to `wp_sms_delete_group`. * Renamed `wps_update_group` action to `wp_sms_update_group`. * Removed: select access option in settig page. * Removed: `Hook` method from `WP_SMS` class and used `do_action` for gateways class. * Removed: gateway message in `wp-admin`. * Removed: Suggestion sms from plugin (Because of the inefficiency). = 3.1.3 = * Compatible with wordpress 4.5 * Gateway smsline.ir Added. = 3.1.2 = * Gateway gateway.sa Added. * Gateway modiranweb.net Added. * Fixed: empty value in cf7 option. * Fixed: Subscribe url and credit url in dashboard glance. = 3.1.1 = * Language `German` updated. (Thanks Robert Skiba Medientechnik) * Fixed: activation code for SMS newsletter. * Fixed: Showing SMS tab in CF7 Meta box. * Gateway `esms24.ir` Added. * Gateway `payamakaria.ir` Added. * Gateway `tgfsms.ir` Added. * Gateway `pichakhost.com Added. * Gateway `tsms.ir Added. * Gateway `parsasms.com Added. = 3.1.0 = * Gateway `Bestit.co` Added. * Gateway `Pegah-Payamak.ir` Added. * Gateway `Loginpanel.ir` Added. * Gateway `Adspanel.ir` Added. * Gateway `Adspanel.ir` Added. * Gateway `Mydnspanel.com` Added. * Fixed: Update option on notification page. * Language `Arabic` updated. (Thanks Hammad) = 3.0.2 = * Gateway `LabsMobile` updated. * Gateway `Mtarget` updated. * Gateway `Razpayamak` Added. * Added: select status in edit subscribe page. * Fixed: send to subscribes in Send SMS page. * Fixed: send notification new post to subscribers. * Fixed: custom text for notifications new post. = 3.0.1 = * Fixed: show group page and subscribe page on admin. * Language: Swedish added. (Thanks Kramfors) = 3.0 = * Added: `WP_SMS_Subscriptions` class for processing subscribers (just in admin). * Added: `Default_Gateway` class for use it if webservice not active in the plugin. * Added: check sms credit in `SendSMS` method. * Added: subscribers hook to plugin hooks collactions. * Added: user to newsletter when the user register in the wordpress. * Added: send message to form field on `Contact Form 7`. * Added: manage subscribe group in the plugin menu. * Added: access level for view send page sms. * Added: show/hide group in subscribe form. * Added: resend sms on outbox message. * Added: custom message for sms post suggestion. * Added: css file for sms post suggestion form. * Added: select group in sms meta box for sending the sms to subscribers when publish new post. * Added: note for gateways after web services list. * Added: `smsapi.pl` polish gateway. * Added: `wifisms.ir` iranian gateway. * Improvement: list table in for subscriber and outbox page (use `WP_List_Table` library). * Improvement: notifications page. * Fixed: notification new comment conflict with woocommerce. * Compatible with wordpress 4.3. * Language: updated. * Reseted all notifications option. * Remove add-ons page. * Remove wordpress pointer from plugin. * Remove admin stylesheet old version. = 2.8.1 = * Added: Sarinapayamak.com webservice * Added: mtarget.fr webservice * Added: bearsms.com webservice * Added: smss.co.il webservice * Added: sms77.de webservice * Added: isms.ir webservice * Fixed: Notification sms after enable plugin * Fixed: Integration with new ver of CF7 * Update Arabic translation. * Added: German translation. [Thanks Robert Skiba](http://skibamedia.de/) = 2.8 = * Added: rules on mobile field number for subscribe form. (maximum and minimum number) * Added: place holder on mobile filed number for subscribe form for help to user. * Added: Chinese translator. (Thanks Jack Chen) * Added: Addons page in plugin. * Added: payamgah.net webservice. * Added: sabasms.biz webservice. * Added: chapargah.ir webservice. * Added: farapayamak.com webservice. * Added: yashil-sms.ir webservice. * Improved subscribe ajax form. * Improved subscribe form and changed the form design. * Fixed: a problem in send post to subscribers. = 2.7.4 = * Fixed: Contact form 7 shortcode. currently supported. = 2.7.3 = * Added: smshosting.it webservice. * Added: afilnet.com webservice. * Added: faraed.com webservice. * Added: spadsms.ir webservice. * Added: niazpardaz.com (New webservice). * Added: bandarsms.ir webservice. = 2.7.2 = * Added: MarkazPayamak.ir webservice. * Added: payamak-panel.com webservice. * Added: barmanpayamak.ir webservice. * Added: farazpayam.com webservice. * Added: 0098sms.com webservice. * Added: amansoft.ir webservice. * Change webservice in asanak.ir webservice. = 2.7.1 = * Added: Variables %status% and %order_name% for woocommerce new order. * Added: smsservice.ir webservice. * Added: asanak.ir webservice. * Updated: idehpayam Webservice. * Added: Mobile field number in create a new user from admin. - Fixed notification sms when create a new user. * Fixed: return credit in smsglobal webservice. = 2.7 = * Added: Numbers of Wordpress Users to send sms page. * Added: Mobile validate number to class plugin. * Added: Option for Disable/Enable credit account in admin menu. * Added: afe.ir webservice. * Added: smshooshmand.com webservice. * Added: Description field optino for subscribe form widget. * Included username & password field for reset button in webservice tab. * Updated: Widget code now adhears to WordPress standards. = 2.6.7 = * Added: navid-soft web service. * Remove number_format in show credit sms. = 2.6.6 = * Fixed: problem in include files. = 2.6.5 = * Added: smsroo.ir web service. * Added: smsban.ir web service. = 2.6.4 = * Fixed: nusoap_client issue when include this class with other plugins. * Remove mobile country code from tell friend section. * Change folder and files structure plugin. = 2.6.3 = * Added: SMS.ir (new version) web service. * Added: Smsmelli.com (new version) web service. * Fixed: sms items in posted sms page. * Fixed: subscribe items in subscribe page. * Fixed: Mobile validation number. * Fixed: Warning error when export subscribers. * Changed rial unit to credit. = 2.6.2 = * Fixed: Notifications sms to subscribes. * Added: Rayanbit.net web service. * Added: Danish language. = 2.6.1 = * Fixed: Mobile validation in subscribe form. * Added: Reset button for remove web service data. * Added: Melipayaamak web service. * Added: Postgah web service. * Added: Smsfa web service. * Added: Turkish language. = 2.6 = * Fixed: database error for exists table. * Fixed: small bugs. * Added: chosen javascript library to plugin. * Added: ssmss.ir Webservice. * Added: isun.company Webservice. * Added: idehpayam.com Webservice. * Added: smsarak.ir Webservice. * Added: difaan Webservice. * Added: Novinpayamak Webservice. * Added: Dot4all Webservice. = 2.5.4 = * Added: sms-gateway.at Webservice. * Added: Spanish language. * Updated: for WordPress 4.0 release. = 2.5.3 = * Added: Smstoos Webservice. * Added: Smsmaster Webservice. * Fixed: Showing sms credit in adminbar. Not be displayed for the users. * Fixed: Send sms for subscriber when publish new posts. = 2.5.2 = * Added: Avalpayam Webservice. * Fixed: bugs in database queries. = 2.5.1 = * Added: Option to add mobile field in register form. * Added: Welcome message for new user. * Added: Matin SMS Webservice. * Added: Iranspk Webservice. * Added: Freepayamak Webservice. * Added: IT Payamak Webservice. * Added: Irsmsland Webservice. * Fixed: Error `Call to a member function GetCredit()` in webservie page. * Fixed: Bug in notification register new user. * Updated: Arabic language. = 2.5 = * Fixed: Error `Call to undefined method stdClass::SendSMS()` when enable/update plugin. * Added: Option to enable mobile field to profile page. (Setting -> Features) * Added: Import & export in subscribe list page. * Added: Groups link in subscribe page. * Added: Search items in subscribe list page. * Added: Novin sms Webservice. * Added: Hamyaar sms Webservice. = 2.4.2 = * Added: SMSde Webservice. = 2.4.1 = * Added: Payamakalmas Webservice. * Added: SMS (IPE) Webservice. * Added: Popaksms Webservice. = 2.4 = * Added: `WP_SMS` Class and placing a parent class. * Added: `wp_sms_send` Action when Send sms from the plugin. * Added: `wp_sms_subscribe` Action when register a new subscriber. * Added: Notification SMS when registering a new subscribe. * Added: Ponisha SMS Webservice. * Added: SMS Credit and total subscriber in At a Glance. * Fixed: Saved sms sender with `InsertToDB` method. * Optimized: Subscribe SMS ajax form. = 2.3.5 = * Updated: ippanel.com Webservice. * Added: Sarab SMS Webservice. = 2.3.4 = * Updated: Opilio Webservice. * Added: Sharif Pardazan (2345.ir) Webservice. = 2.3.3 = * Added: Asia Payamak Webservice. = 2.3.2 = * Added: Arad SMS Webservice. = 2.3.1 = * Added: Notification SMS when get new order from Woocommerce plugin. * Added: Notification SMS when get new order from Easy Digital Downloads plugin. = 2.3 = * Added: Tabs option in setting page. * Added: Notification SMS when registering a new username. * Added: Notification SMS when get new comment. * Added: Notification SMS when username login. * Added: Text format to published new post notification. * Added: MP Panel Webservice. * Added: Mediana Webservice. = 2.2.5 = * Changed: Aadat 24 web service. * Changed: Parand Host web service URL. = 2.2.4 = * Added: Adpdigital Webservice. * Added: Joghataysms Webservice. * Fixed: Iransmspanel webservice. * Changed: Parand Host web service URL. * Changed: Hi SMS web service URL. * Changed: Nasrpayam web service URL. = 2.2.2 = * Added: Hi SMS Webservice. = 2.2.1 = * Added: Niazpardaz Webservice. * Fixed: Oplio Webservice. = 2.2 = * Added: Payameroz Webservice. * Added: Unisender Webservice. * Fixed: small bug in cf7. = 2.1 = * Resolved: include tell-a-freind.php file. = 2.0 = * Added: Metabox sms to Contact Form 7 plugin. * Added: SMS Message sender page. * Added: PayamResan Webservice. * Optimized: include files. * Resolved: create tables when install plugin. * Language: updated. = 2.0.2 = * Resolved: loading image. * Added: Fayasms Webservice. = 2.0.1 = * Added: SMS Bartar Webservice. = 2.0 = * Added: Pagination in Subscribes Newsletter page. * Added: Group for Subscribes. * Optimized: jQuery Calling. * Resolved: Subscribe widget form. * Resolved: Small problems. = 1.9.22 = * Added: Nasrpayam Webservice. = 1.9.21 = * Added: Caffeweb Webservice. = 1.9.20 = * Resolved: add subscriber in from Wordpress Admin->Newsletter subscriber. * Added: TCIsms Webservice. = 1.9.19 = * Added: ImenCms Webservice. = 1.9.18 = * Added: Textsms Webservice. = 1.9.17 = * Added: Smsmart Webservice. = 1.9.16 = * Added: PayamakNet Webservice. = 1.9.15 = * Added: BarzinSMS Webservice. * Update: jQuery to 1.9.1. = 1.9.14 = * Resolved: opilo Webservice. = 1.9.13 = * Resolved: paaz Webservice. = 1.9.12 = * Added: JahanPayamak Webservice. = 1.9.11 = * Added: SMS-S Webservice. * Added: SMSGlobal Webservice. * Added: paaz Webservice. * Added: CSS file in setting page. * Resolved: Loads the plugin's translated strings problem. * Language: updated. = 1.9.10 = * Added: Tablighsmsi Webservice. = 1.9.9 = * Added: Smscall Webservice. = 1.9.8 = * Added: Smsdehi Webservice. = 1.9.7 = * Added: Sadat24 Webservice. = 1.9.6 = * Added: Arabic language. * Added: Notification SMS when messages received from Contact Form 7 plugin. * Small changes in editing Subscribers. = 1.9.5 = * Added: Ariaideh Web Service. = 1.9.4 = * Added: Persian SMS Web Service. = 1.9.3 = * Added: SMS Click Web Service. = 1.9.2 = * Added: ParandHost Web Service. * Troubleshooting jQuery in Send SMS page. = 1.9.1 = * Added: PayameAvval Web Service. = 1.9 = * Added: SMSFa Web Service. * Optimize in translation functions. * Added: edit subscribers. = 1.8 = * Added: your mobile number. * Added: Enable/Disable calling jQuery in wordpress. * Added: Notification of a new wordPress version by SMS. = 1.7.1 = * Fix a problem in jquery. = 1.7 = * Fix a problem in Get credit method. * Fix a problem in ALTER TABLE. * Fix a problem Active/Deactive all subscribe. = 1.6 = * Added: Enable/Disable username in subscribe page. * Fix a problem in show credit. * Fix a problem in menu link. * Fix a problem in word counter. = 1.5 = * Added: Hostiran Web Service. * Added: Iran SMS Panel Web Service. * Remove Orangesms Service. * Added: Activation subscribe. * Optimize plugin. * Update jquery to 1.7.2 = 1.4 = * Added: Portuguese language. * Update last credit when send sms page. = 1.3.3 = * Fix a problem. * Fix a display the correct number in the list of newsletter subscribers. = 1.3.2 = * Fix a problem. = 1.3.1 = * Fix a problem. * Fix credit unit in multi language. = 1.3 = * Added: register link for webservice. * Added: Suggestion post by SMS. = 1.2 = * Fix a problem. = 1.1 = * Adding show SMS credit in the dashboard right now. * Adding show total subscribers in the dashboard right now. * Adding Shortcode. * Added: Panizsms Web Service. * Added: Orangesms Web Service. = 1.0 = * Start plugin