=== WP-Client-Invoicing === Authors: WP-Client.com Plugin Page: http://www.WP-Client.com == Changelog == = 1.8.4 = - Some fixes; = 1.8.3 = - Fixed error on download pdf; = 1.8.2 = - Fixes for "Crash Updates notice"; - Fixed estimate requests capabilities for WPC Managers; - Some fixes; = 1.8.1 = - Fixes for display shortcode templates on admin area; = 1.8.0 = !!!!!!!!! Important: Required version 4.4.0 of Core plugin. - New emails templates design; - New shortcode templates; - Added Search INV by other fields (Business name, Contact Name, email, user login); - Fixed note of manually adding payment; - Fixed problem with shortcode category; = 1.7.6 = - Fixed reminder emails; = 1.7.5 = !!!!!!!!! Important: Required version 4.3.0 of Core plugin. - Changed screen options pagination; - Some Fixes; = 1.7.2 = - Changed UNIX_TIMESTAMP() instead UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()). - Some fixes; = 1.7.1 = - Added limit to 1000 characters for description when viewing PDF; - Changed place "Lock Invoices" setting; - Added Payment Reminders Before Due Date Template; - Added "Return to HUB" button to Estimate Request form; - Added option to make items are required on EST. Request; - Fixed some problems with delete Invoice Custom Fields; - Fixed some issue; = 1.7.0 = - Added ability adding custom fields for Item; - Added pagination screen options; - Added some placeholders; - Sixed absolute position with wp-admin footer; = 1.6.9 = - Added fix for update "Use this Item for Estimate Requests" option for Item - Fixed for paid invoice with thousands separator like point; - Fixed displaing Settings tab for managers; - Some Fixes; = 1.6.8 = - Changed search position; - Changed admin tabs to default Wordpress; - Small fix for total remaining in PDF-file; - Small fixes; = 1.6.7 = - Added option for attach PDF-file to reminder email; - Small fix with slider; - Some fixes; = 1.6.6 = - Added feature to send Remind emails to CC Emails; - Small changes; = 1.6.5 = - Some fixes for VAT; - Small fixes; = 1.6.4 = - Added feature using CreationDateFormat placeholder for prefix of Invoice or Estimate; - Small fixes; = 1.6.3 = !!!!!!!!! Important: Required version 4.0.0 of Core plugin. - Added setting "Attach PDF to Invoice/Estimate Email Notification"; - Changed front end forms; - Fixed calculate for VAT & Added Total Net info; - Some fixes; = 1.6.2 = - Added "CreationDateFormat" Placeholder for creation date in title of Invoice; - Some fixes; = 1.6.1 = - Delete limitation symbols for description of Item of Invoice; = 1.6.0 = - Added displaying payment method for invoice; - Added VAT for Invoices; - Fixed get currency if current was delete; - Small fixes; = 1.5.9 = - Added ability to use Ņustom Fields of invoice in "Invoice Page" and "Invoicing List" templates; = 1.5.8 = - Added Request INV Notes History; - Fixed round by rate capacity; - Fixed attaching pdf-file to email regarding to convert Estimate Request; = 1.5.7 = - fixed display client's invoices for managers; = 1.5.6 = !!!!!!!!! Important: Required version 3.9.5 of Core plugin. - Changed title of payment steps (using text vs numbers); - small fixes; = 1.5.5 = !!!!!!!!! Important: Required version 3.9.1 of Core plugin. - Changed assign popup; - Changed Style of INV and EST (for better look in PDF); - Mark invoice as "In Process" for 10 mins after start payment process; - Some fixes; = 1.5.4 = - Rewrote logic of install plugin pages; - Added show due date to invoicing list; - Added feature for adding Taxes and Discounts to Request Estimate; - Allowing clients to remove items in Request Estimate; - Added displaying notes for payments; - Added clickable for Description of Item of Invoice; - Fixed save filters when Add payment in Invoices page; - Some fixes; = 1.5.3 = - Fixed problem with HTML in INV templates; - Some small fixes; = 1.5.2 = - Fixed security problem; - Fixed display correct status count when use filter of client; - Fixed change recurring profile status from draft to active; = 1.5.1 = - Added Custom Fields for Invoice (not for item); - Added able change type of Recurring profile after creation; - Fixed empty enters into description of items for INV/EST; - Fixed some errors related php validation for required fields; - Fixed User Information for auto charge Recurring profile with status pending; - Fixed problem with change status for Recurring profile with status pending; = 1.5.0 = - Added "Attention" for deleting Recurring Profiles when isset active subscriptions; - Added filter by status for Estimates; - Added settings for set PDF title; - Added alphabetical sorting for Items; - Added option to turn off "auto-convert to invoice" for client-approved Estimates; - Added drag-n-drop functionality for Items; - Added more placeholders for invoicing emails; - Changed "User Information" block for Recurring Profiles; - Changed displaying '\n' as '
' for Description of Invoices; - Fixed "Filter client" on Recurring and Accumulating pages; = 1.4.9 = - Changed logic of minimum payment for calculation steps of partial invoice; - Fixed showing {invoicing_title} in some shortcodes; = 1.4.8 = - INV changed prefix and number logic; - Changes in invoicing list template; - Fixed dashboard widget view all link; = 1.4.7 = - Added placeholder {invoicing_title}; - Small fix for status invoices in "invoicing_list" shortcode; - Replaced slider to input with spinner for Paying on Invoices page; - Changed create invoices of recurring profile considering local time; = 1.4.6 = !!!!!!!!! Important: Required version 3.8.5-beta1 of Core plugin. - new shortcodes system; - Added functionality Request Estimates; - Added "Request Estimates" for "shortcode_invoicing_list"; - Fixed dashboard widget only for Administrators and WPC_Admins; = 1.4.5 = - Added new dashboard widget with information; - Added sort by client for Client Filter for Invoices page; - Added column "Every" for Recurring Profiles; - Added functionality 'Allow Partial Payment' for Accumulating Profiles; - Added placeholder '{term_days}'(days between create day and due date); - Changed actions links; - Fixed problem with many LEFT JOIN; - Fixed texts for template of convert estimates; - Fixed added Late Fee after Due Date for Paid invoices; - Small fixes; = 1.4.4 = - Changed Templates of emails; - Text changes; = 1.4.3 = - Added notifications about convert estimate to invoice and accept estimate; - Fixed problem with "," separator for Presset Invoice; - Fixed some texts for translate function - Some small fixes;