# Changelog ## 1.0-beta-1.20 - Fixed styling issue with WordPress 5.3. - Added [gpls_before_query](https://gravitywiz.com/documentation/gpls_before_query/) action to allow modifying the rule evaluation query before it is executed. ## 1.0-beta-1.19 - Added [gpls_bypass_gravityview](https://gravitywiz.com/documentation/gpls_bypass_gravityview/) filter to allow validating limits when editing via GravityView. ## 1.0-beta-1.18 - Updated to limit by post global (rather than URL) when limiting by post ID via the Embed URL option. - Added support for serving minifying script and style files. - Fixed conflict with ACF where both plugins loaded Select2. ## 1.0-beta-1.17 - Fixed issue where input-specific limits were not being applied correctly. ## 1.0-beta-1.16 - Fixed issue where Email fields with confirm option enabled were not limited properly. ## 1.0-beta-1.15 - Fixed issue on multi-page forms where field value limits were validated prior to the page on which the field was placed. ## 1.0-beta-1.14 - Fixed issue where limiting by a group of forms failed to count entries from all forms in the group. ## 1.0-beta-1.13 - Fixed issue where time periods with a unit of "hours" were not correctly limited. ## 1.0-beta-1.12 - Added ‘gp_limit_submissions_form_settings’ capability to enable fine grain user permission management with plugins such as Justin Tadlock’s Members plugin. ## 1.0-beta-1.11 - Added support for filtering partial entries when applying limits. ## 1.0-beta-1.10 - Added support for automatically detecting Sticky List and bypassing limit validation when editing entries. ## 1.0-beta-1.9 - Fixed issue where limits based on field values prevented a child entry's existing values from being submitted when editing via Nested Forms. ## 1.0-beta-1.8 - Added support for not enforcing limits when editing via Nested Forms or Gravity View. ## 1.0-beta-1.7 - Fixed issue where the "month(s)" Time Period was not calculated correctly. ## 1.0-beta-1.6 - Added logging support for test results; will help debug issues where users are reporting false positives. ## 1.0-beta-1.5 - Updated GPLS_RuleGroup properties to be public to better support 3rd-party modifications. ## 1.0-beta-1.4 - Updated instance of GPLS_Enforce to be available via GP_Limit_Submissions::$enforce property. ## 1.0-beta-1.3 - Added support for limiting by anonymous users (not-logged-in). - Updated verbiage of "All IPs" and "All Users" to better indicate that these rules apply to "each" user. ## 0.9.10 - Added limit to get_users() to avoid issues with sites with many, many users. Added "gpls_rules_get_users_args" filter to allow modifying args used to fetch users for user-based rules. - added match base url to embed rule - Updated some verbiage. - Added support for Select2 for Rule Groups UI; IN PROCESS: Modifying how limits are applied per form or across all applicable forms; Miscellaneous updates. - Updated styling - Fixed translatable strings - Added placeholder for Time Period unit input - Updated gpls-script to be enqueued in footer. - Updated how scripts/styles are enqueued. - Fixed issues with embed_url rule validation, release 0.9.4 - Added gpls shortcode, release v0.9.3 - added support for global rules with filter "gpls_rulegroups" - added anonymous to list of user roles - fixed removal of rule groups, data handling - added "new" callback for repeater to fix value choices being hidden on add ## 1.0-beta-1.2 - Updated role-based rules to use role slug rather than role name. ## 1.0-beta-1.1 - Updated to use minimum_requirements() method for declaring minimum requirements. - Fixed issue where some time period values could generate notices if not converted to int.