=== Dashboard Widget Sidebar === Contributors: iosoftgame Plugin Name: Dashboard Widget Sidebar Plugin URI: http://www.iosoftgame.com/ Tags: dashboard, admin, widget, dashboard widget, widgets, admin widget, admin dashboard, priority, side, user dashboard Author URI: http://www.iosoftgame.com/ Author: Morten Dalgaard Johansen Requires at least: 3.3 Tested up to: 4.2 Stable tag: 1.2.3 Version: 1.2.3 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Enable regulare widgets to be used as Dashboard Widgets in admin. == Description == Enable regulare widgets to be used as Dashboard Widgets in admin. This plugin adds a new widget area to the Appearance -> Widgets section in WordPress admin, from where you can add regulare widgets to the WordPress admin dashboard. == Installation == 1. Upload the /dashboard-widget-sidebar folder to /plugins 2. Activate plugin 3. Add widgets to the new widget area in the Appearance -> Widgets section == Upgrade Notice == == Screenshots == 1. The new widget area in the Appearance -> Widgets section 2. Shows that it is a regulare widget that is being added 3. Admin Dashboard - the widget has been added as a dashboard widget 4. Widget settings, which controls the placement of the widget on the dashboard == Changelog == = 1.2.3 = [Fixed] Bug "Undefined index" (Thanks to Musiphilos for reporting it) = 1.2.2 = [Fixed] Bug "Causes CF7 Generate Tags to Fail" (Thanks to theatereleven for reporting it) = 1.2.1 = [Fixed] Bug "Invalid argument supplied for foreach()" (Thanks to Paul Shryock for reporting it) = 1.2.0 = [Added] Contact Form 7 integration. Can be inserted using the shortcode in a text widget. = 1.1.2 = [Fixed] Settings was not saved with WordPress version 3.8 = 1.1.1 = [Added] Support for WordPress 3.8 [Changed] Naming of ID attributes for HTML of the Dashboard Widgets [Fixed] When changes are made, they are automatically saved. However, if you clicked on the "Save" button afterwards, the options would show the previous settings. = 1.1.0 = [Added] "Context" and "Priority" settings added to the widgets, which gives you more control over how the widgets are shown on the dashboard. [Fixed] If you placed more of the same widget type, then the titles would be the same (http://wordpress.org/support/topic/widget-titles-2). Thanks to Nick (nikmav) for the fix of this bug. = 1.0.2 = [Updated] Uploaded screenshots = 1.0.1 = [Updated] Did some changes in the readme.txt file = 1.0.0 = [Added] First version. == Frequently Asked Questions == No FAQ yet! If you have any questions, feel free to contact me using the support tab. == Donations ==