= 3.1 10/13/2016 = * FEATURE: Add support for the User Switching plugin. Link on login will now also link on user switch. * BUG: Remove extra slash from include path. * BUG: Ensure the current logged in user does not trigger a 404 if their entry is in the moderation queue. * BUG: Ensure url property exists in nave menu object before attempting to parse it. * BUG: Correct method name call. * I18N: Update POT file. * I18N: Add nl_NL translation. * DEV: phpDoc block corrections. = 3.0.2 07/08/2016 = * NEW: Add support for the `home_id` and `force_home` options to the `[connections_link_edit]` shortcode. * NEW: Add support for the `home_id` and `force_home` options to the `[connections_link_view]` shortcode. * TWEAK: Pass the `home_id` and `force_home` attributes when calling the Connections_Link::editURL() method. * BUG: Do not set entry user to `0` when the add/edit form values do not exist. * BUG: Correct bug that prevented the form input being added in some cases. * OTHER: Correct version error in changelog.txt. * I18N: Update POT file. * I18N: Update Spanish translation MO/PO files. = 3.0.1 06/07/2016 = * TWEAK: Pass the shortcode `$atts` to the `connections_link_action_edit_url` filter. * TWEAK: Make the `cn_entry_action-edit` action higher priority so it runs before the Form extension. * TWEAK: Add filter to prevent Form from rendering its edit entry action link. * TWEAK: Pass the shortcode attributes thru the `connections_link_entry_action_edit_url` and `connections_link_edit_url` filters. * BUG: Ensure the view URL is not FALSE before adding it in cnLoginWidgetLoggedInLinks(). = 3.0 03/02/2016 = * FEATURE: Add shortcodes which output the View/Add and Edit links. * FEATURE: The View/Add and Edit links can now be added to WordPress menus. * FEATURE: Tightly integrate with the Login widget. * TWEAK: Setup the current user entry object on the `init` hook and add a publicly callable method to access it. * TWEAK: Refactor the code to separate the view/add/edit URLs into their own methods and refactor code to use these new methods. * DEV: phpDoc fixes. * DEV: Fix minor code white and alignment. = 2.0.4 02/19/2016 = * BUG: Fix bug which displayed the "Add My Directory Entry" link to users which did not have the correct capabilities assigned to their user role. * TWEAK: Add fix for plugins which call the ` wp_login` action but do not pass the WP_User object like they should. = 2.0.3 02/27/2015 = * I18N: Add Spanish (Spain) translation. * BUG: Fixed undefined index notice during AJAX requests. * BUG: Add missing form ID so jQuery Validate runs on the form. * BUG: Fix incorrect text domain. = 2.0.2 07/22/2014 = * FEATURE: Improve responsive readiness of the admin form. = 2.0.1 06/19/2014 = * BUG: Add page hook `profile_page_connections_link` to the valid Connections edit pages. = 2.0 06/09/2014 = * FEATURE: Front-end editing of user linked entry when Form is installed an active. * FEATURE: Action list item to "View My Directory Entry". * FEATURE: Entry action to "Add My Directory Entry" or "Edit My Directory Entry". Link will resolve to the Link profile admin page unless Form is installed and active. * FEATURE: Add "View My Directory Entry" link to the admin bar. * I18N: Make translation ready. * I18N: Add POT file. = 1.0.5 01/09/2014 = * BUG: Check for DOING_AJAX to prevent PHP notices from potentially interfering with AJAX requests. = 1.0.4 01/08/2014 = * TWEAK: Provide better backward compatibility with previous versions of Link. = 1.0.3 12/30/2013 = * TWEAK: Users are no longer marked that they were checked. Now, the user will be checked on every login for a matching email address if the the user is not linked to a an entry. * TWEAK: Increase link on login action priority so it runs before membership plugins redirect the user login. * BUG: Add action to remove user ID from the Connections table when the user is deleted. * OTHER: Remove unused code. = 1.0.2 3/19/2013 = * BUG: Fixed scenario where entry data duplication may occur. = 1.0.1 2/16/2013 = * BUG: Remove deprecated admin node menu item. * BUG: Move admin bar init to the plugin init method because the edit my directory entry menu was not showing on the front end of the site. = 1.0 2/3/2013 = * Initial Release