=== Basic Math Calculator === Contributors: tawhidurrahmandear Tags: calculator, basic calculator, math, math calculator, simple calculator Requires at least: 4.0 Tested up to: 4.9 Stable tag: 3.0 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Add Math Calculator in sidebar or footer or in any widgetized area matching Theme style == Description == Add Math Calculator in sidebar or footer or in any widgetized area matching Theme style You can use it any WordPress website, But this PlugIn is helpful especially for : * Where visitor may feel the need to calculate something * E-Commerce websites that buyers can calculate without leaving the site * Mortgage, Loan, Home Loan, Car Loan, Bank related websites * Academic websites or Education websites * Payment, Money Transaction, Share market related websites


* Mobile Responsive * The PlugIn takes very low space in hosting * The PlugIn will automatically match with your Theme's color, font, style. Visitor will think it as the part of your theme. If you use this PlugIn in different themes, you will feel the change * Easy Installation! After activation of the PlugIn, Simply go to *Appearance > Widgets*, and drag the PlugIn into any widgetized area like sidebar or footer * No coding knowledge or expertise required! You will not have to use any short-code or to edit settings * Freedom! If you use any Page Builder, then you can add inside page or post also

Live Preview


Remember, the preview will be different at different themes as the PlugIn automatically match with theme's color, font, style

Looking for more calculator?

Scientific Calculator : designed to calculate problems in science, engineering, and mathematics.

EMI Calculator : If you manage any website of Bank, Real Estate, Auto shop or something like this, you should use this PlugIn to let the visitor calculate expense just in your website without leaving it

BMI Calculator : Recommended for the website of Gym, Fitness Center, Hospital, Health Club etc.

Age Calculator : If you enter your birth-date with specific time; the PlugIn will show the accurate age.

Unit Converter : ​​This single WordPress PlugIn can convert Acceleration, Angles, Area, Density, Electricity, Energy, Force, Force per length, Length, Light, Mass (Weight), Mass Flow, Power, Pressure & Stress, Temperature, Time, Torque, Velocity & Speed, Volume & Capacity, Volume Flow

Are you happy?

You are requested to provide positive review in WordPress.org with some extra clicks to share this PlugIn in your social network

== Installation ==

Read this image-based article "How to install WordPress PlugIn, and use it in sidebar or footer or inside page or post?" and start using the PlugIn

== Changelog == = 3.0 = * added memory functions = 2.0 = * I have added % function and "+/-" function = 1.0 = * Released first