== Changelog == = 3.01 = * Make sure email settings are trimmed before comparing to the email sent from PayPal * Allow amounts with . for thousands and , for decimal. If a . is used in the decimal place for the amount when the currency uses a , make it work anyway = 3.0 = * Add support for recurring subscriptions * Include settings to make changes to a form field when a payment is received * Add rows to the CSV export and entry listing tables to include payments and payment status * Sort the Payments page by form * Add event options to Emails, MailChimp, and Twilio actions so they can be triggered when a payment is complete or fails * Save the log with WP file methods and fallback to posting in the php error log * Switch to getting updates from FormidablePros.com * Allow the email, return url, cancel url, and currency to be changed on a per-form basis = 2.04.04 = * Allow the amount to be included in the "other" option * Modify the user-agent in the IPN verification to prevent errors from PayPal = 2.04.03 = * Save the IPN parameters with the payment in the format that allows for multiple IPN notifications * Fix sending users to Paypal when 2.x is installed, but the old settings haven't been moved to a form action * Increased security related to XSS add_query_arg vulnerability = 2.04.02 = * Send the emails when the payment is complete in 2.0+ = 2.04.01 = * Fix payment listing page when used with Formidable 2.0 * Fix email delay when using with Formidable 2.0 * Allow checkboxes to be selected for the amount = 2.04 = * Added Formidable v2.0 compatibility * REQUIRES at least v1.07.05 of Formidable * Add translation file = 2.03.02 = * Only stop the emails notifications if user will be sent to PayPal for payment * Don't send to PayPal if saving draft * Consistently redirect correctly to PayPal after submitting with ajax * Added Turkish Liras as a payment option * Renamed "Payments" menus to "Paypal" * Fixed creating payments for windows servers = 2.03.01 = * Make sure email is not sent when payment is complete if the box to hold the email is not checked * Only send the delayed email if payment is successfully marked complete to prevent duplicate emails * Removed version fallbacks and add minimum version requirement * Use conditional logic rows from core plugin = 2.03 = * Added option to hold emails until after payment. This will also stop the registration emails. * Added option to set a custom amount instead of requiring a field to be selected * Added option for payments to be sent as donations * Inserted additional logging for easier diagnosing where IPN is failing * Allow values to be inserted into the item name field using the sidebar options, and removed the dropdown for inserting fields * Extended conditional logic to more field types * Switch options to new fields after form is duplicated = 2.02 = * Allow payments to be bulk deleted * Only retrieve PayPal settings when they are used = 2.01.01 = * Remove more globals * fix IPN notification = 2.01 = * Send info to PayPal after formatting the url values for languages * Update the automatic update code * Updates for strict standards * Remove globals and defines